It has been three weeks since the last instalment of Wrestling with Mediocrity. I was struck down with a bizarre infection while sidelined me for a while and last week I was just too busy balancing work, family life and gaming to break down the latest goings on in wrestling. I have however kept up with both RAW and SmackDown each week as well as the Fastlane PPV so I am fully prepared to break down a few key topics. As always my goal is to keep this article at a manageable length, so I won’t be getting into all storylines.
Starting off on a positive note, big Dave Batista made his much talked about return a few weeks ago on RAW interrupting Ric Flair’s 70th birthday. The angle felt different and played out in a much more realistic manner. Little touches like Batista having to source a cameraman and drag him over to cover the aftermath of the beating was an extra level of detail that is rarely seen in WWE these days. More of that please. The following week Helmsley delivered a strong promo building the match, although I do think he could have done with maintaining a semblance of kayfabe. The most recent back and fourth with the two last Monday on RAW was the weakest of the three weeks so far for me with Dave seeming to struggle with his delivery, but it remains probably my most anticipated angle going in to WrestleMania. Many have reservations over the match and while it is unlikely to be a classic, the no holds barred stipulation should allow enough bells and whistles to keep it interesting.

The last time I spoke about the Becky Lynch storyline I think I was probably in the slight minority being down on it. Three more weeks of this nonsense appears to have significantly tipped the scales though. Ronda vacating the title, then deciding she actually didn’t. Becky being reinstated with no explanation, then being put into a match (despite needing a crutch to walk) where if she wins she gets back into the WrestleMania match that she “earned” entry to with a Royal Rumble win that also made no sense. Then there was the shit show that was the match at Fastlane. Becky hobbles out, takes a kicking, backdoors her way into the WrestleMania match (like the Rumble) via Rousey causing a DQ. Then finally she tries to explain this nonsense by saying she played ‘Ronnie’ like a fiddle by getting her so angry she would have no option but to cause the DQ. The problem is it seems pretty obvious that in Ronda’s storyline motivation was that she wanted Becky in the match, knew she couldn’t beat Charlotte so did what she had to. Dumb. The whole thing is dumb.
Speaking of dumb, the back and fourth between Ronnie and Rebecca on Twitter has been moronic. Vince has clearly instructed everyone to go with a more realistic style of promo. HHH, Batista, AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Becky and Charlotte being the most prominent examples. This isn’t a bad thing. For the most part it makes the promo’s feel more authentic. But Ronda out there talking about wrestling being fake and how she is going to shoot on the other two not only undermines their own storyline but everything else on the show. They need to learn to strike the right balance.

Kevin Owens face turn really isn’t showing much promise so far. Granted being brought back by a heel Vince McMahon and being inserted straight in to a world title match that the fans think belongs to someone else doesn’t really help. Neither does the fact that about a year ago Owens was headbutting McMahon on SmackDown. We’re not supposed to remember any of that though, so forget I mentioned it.
Lacey Evans continues to do her best Eva Marie impersonation. Walking out during the show, doing absolutely nothing and then leaving again. Although in fairness this current setup may be better than watching her actually wrestle if the Royal Rumble is anything to go by. I think there is still faint talk of her being Asuka’s WrestleMania opponent but my guess is that will end up as a multiple woman match, maybe with her involved.

Lastly today I wanted to touch on the Vince/Kofi feud. I like it for the most part. Mostly because for once they actually listened to the fans and went with someone while they were hot. Rusev can only dream of such a scenario. But I feel they are building it up to the point where Kofi almost has to beat Bryan and take the belt at Mania. To me while it is a good story and Kofi is a great wrestler, I’d rather he came up just short and then we moved on to building a new future star. Also maybe they will make it work but going back to a Kofi gauntlet this week on SmackDown so soon after the last one doesn’t get me excited. Unless there is a lot of interference from the New Day and general fucking around I don’t agree with him beating so many top stars in a row (if that is how it plays out of course). Finally I know I am asking for too much here but I would like Vince to provide a reason for why he’s holding back Kofi so much. Title shots get handed out like cocaine did in 80’s WWF. Why should Kofi miss out?
That will go for this week. Hopefully I will be back to a regular schedule now but if for any reason I am going to miss a week I will post an update on Twitter. Make sure to follow me on there @VizualDze for many more thoughts and opinions on the crazy world that is wrestling.