Team Sonic Racing is a fast-paced, fun and energetic kart racer that really differentiates itself from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed which was released back in 2012. In this latest entry, we are treated to 21 tracks, with a few familiar circuits sprinkled in. All are beautifully designed and fit within the Sonic universe, as are the 15 playable characters the game boasts. Sumo Digital has taken Team Sonic Racing in a different direction from the usual Mario Kart clones, instead, they have set out to create a unique take on the kart racer experience.
For instance, the game introduces team play (as the title would suggest). Working together as a trio, you have the ability to share pick-ups and more. Points are gained by working together and these can be used to unleash an ultimate. The idea of teams is a good one but at times it can feel a little confusing and convoluted. If this doesn’t sound up your alley you can revert back to classic rules for both online and offline play. Four-player split-screen has been added and while it is great to see a developer still take the time to include a mode like this in 2019, the frame rate definitely takes a noticeable hit. Story mode has been given some fan service with cutscenes scattered throughout. It was a nice idea to flesh this mode out, although not being huge on Sonic lore I found myself skipping them pretty early on.

Overall Team Sonic Racing is a really good kart racer. I admire Sumo Digital for changing the formula and going for something a little bit different. The gameplay is solid and the visuals are impressive. If you are looking to pick up the platinum trophy be prepared to pour about 30 hours into the game. It’s nowhere near as difficult as Transformed, but you are still required to finish the Team Adventure Mode on expert which does provide a challenge. With Crash Team Racing releasing later this week you may want to hang fire and see how that shakes out, but I definitely recommend Team Sonic Racing as one of the best kart racers on Playstation 4.
-Craig ✌️
A review code was provided by the publisher. Reviewed on PS4.