As many of the regular readers of this website know I am largely a single player gamer. I do dabble in multiplayer, most recently powering through the online portion of Last of Us to reach my 100th platinum, but very rarely is it my go-to mode in a game. So as you can imagine I was delighted when I heard the campaign was returning for Modern Warfare 2019.
Not only has it returned, but in my opinion it is better than ever. I have heard a few reviewers state that the gravity of the story didn’t land with them, but I respectfully disagree. In a game like this in 2019, Infinity Ward literally need to dodge a minefield of potential outrage when creating a narrative and I believe they managed it expertly. Whenever you attempt to start the campaign you receive a mature content notice warning you that some scenes may be offensive and they ask you to agree before proceeding, so the stage is set from the off.
The campaign is split across 14 missions. As with every game there are a few sections that stand out above the rest. For me this was mission 5 “Clean House” and mission 13 “Going Dark”. In-fact I enjoyed ‘Going Dark’ so much that when I completed the game I went straight back in and replayed it. Killing the lights and sneaking around a compound taking out all the enemies without being spotted while equipped with night vision goggles was seriously cool. Where a lot of people prefer the big set-piece missions I am much more fond of any opportunities that arise to use stealth.

Throughout my time with the game I often found myself just stopping and taking in the incredible level of detail. I think this may be the best graphics I have seen in a game to date, which given some of the recent PlayStation 4 games takes some doing. I ran the game on a PS4 Pro but only a 1080p TV, so at the beginning of next year when I upgrade to 4K I will be returning to play through the campaign again out of curiosity. I’m honestly interested to see how much better it could really look.
The story lasts around 5-6 hours, which regular Call of Duty players will be used to. This year though, the story continues in spec-ops, which is now a standalone co-op mode where you and up to three allies take on masses of enemies. Very quickly though I found the odds of survival almost nil. Granted I am not an elite level player, but speaking with some colleagues who are seasoned vets, it appears that the mode is rock solid.

Multiplayer, where most of the fan base will spend the majority of their time feels fresh this year. There is a tendency with yearly releases to not see the many small improvements that make going back to a previous version jarring, but this year feels like more of an upgrade than most. We really are at a point now where Call of Duty has all angles covered in the multiplayer arena.
Whether you want a large scale battle in the 32 v 32 Ground War or a more intimate shootout in the fabulous new 2 v 2 Gunfight, there is something here for anyone that likes to throw down with virtual weaponry. Realism mode is another superb entry that discards the UI, slows things down and really provides a gritty feel. The only issue I have so far across the multiplayer is when you encounter spawning campers. Infinity Ward need to find a solution for this as it is infuriating when it happens.

The trophy list is an all offline affair and encourages you to tackle missions in a different way. Rather than simply unlocking a trophy for completing each mission there are misc objectives hidden within each level. Complete a level using only one bullet per enemy, clear 3 locations without raising an alarm and crashing a helicopter by shooting the pilot are just a few of the cool things you will be tasked with en route to the platinum. These can be undertaken in recruit difficulty, but you will need to complete each mission on veteran or realism difficulty for the final trophy.
Overall Infinity Ward has delivered the best pound-for-pound Call of Duty game I have ever played. The campaign is well acted, varied and looks incredible while the multiplayer has more than enough modes to keep you entertained over the coming months. It was pretty ballsy to name this new 2019 game after arguably the most beloved entry in the franchise, but not only does it do it justice – it surpasses it!
-Craig ✌️
Reviewed on PS4 Pro. A review code was provided by the publisher.