Just over two years ago I was introduced to Super Mega Baseball with the second iteration of the series. Being from Scotland and therefore a casual baseball fan by default, I was drawn to the caricature art style. I was looking for a more accessible game than MLB: The Show and that’s exactly what I got. That’s not to say that SMB is an arcade game, because it’s not. But the team over at Metalhead Software have managed to straddle the line between simulation and fun superbly.
Super Mega Baseball 3 is an improvement on it’s predecessor in almost every way. Graphics are ultra-crisp, the player models are more refined and the lighting during games is beautiful. I get some gamers wanting that realistic look, but honestly, as someone who dips his toes into the sport; this is ideal. If we could get both NHL and NFL games in a similar vein I would be on cloud nine.
On the field, there are a host of additions that make the game a more in-depth experience. You can now steal bases with more deliberate controls, utilise designated hitters and the new situational player traits really spice things up. If that last sentence went over your head though, don’t panic! SMB3 while full of depth for baseball enthusiasts is also the most accessible depiction of the sport I have ever played as well.

Thanks to the returning ego difficulty system you can get the exact level of challenge you want from the game. Dropping it down low to learn the basics and then slowly increasing it game by game as you expand your knowledge and familiarity with some of the more complex mechanics is very satisfying and allows you to never feel out of your depth. I wish more games in general took the care and attention to implement something similar.
Top billing on the list of improvements for SMB3 is Franchise Mode. This is a game-changer for the series and adds so much more longevity. You get to play out several seasons while picking up free agents and improving existing players in the team. Older players will also retire forcing you to keep the production line going to be successful. It’s a great addition and really does become the must-play mode.

Other modes include Exhibition, Season, Pennant Race and Elimination. Up to four players can play both locally or online. My son had a great time facing off against me and really proved how easily picked up and intuitive the controls are. This was his first baseball game and he not only did well but came away excited to play more.
While nothing new for the series, it deserves a mention that the creation suite continues to impress. As with SMB2, my plan in the coming weeks is to create an entire team filled with my friends and loved ones. Before the previous iteration, I hadn’t dabbled this much with a character creator since SmackDown! 2 on the PS One. Being able to customise your experience is at the heart of Super Mega Baseball 3 and it’s executed brilliantly.

As is becoming customary, the platinum trophy should you wish to achieve it will take a fair old chunk of time and significant skill. “Win a 9+ inning game against the CPU at Ego 99 where both teams are Standard teams” is no joke let me tell you. Even in-game objectives like hitting four home runs in a row are likely to prove problematic for me, a casual fan. The list asks a lot of you, but it’s hard not to start playing, get drawn in and start to believe you may have what it takes.

Overall Super Mega Baseball 3 is an improvement over the previous game in pretty much every area. It looks fantastic and manages to appeal to both newcomers and seasoned pros alike. Customisation is at the heart of the game. From the difficulty, all the way to the creation suite Metalhead Software give you the agency to play how you want. The result is a game that all sports fans, not just baseball enthusiasts, should check out.
-Terry 🦊
A review code for this product was kindly provided by the publisher. Reviewed on PS4 Slim.
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