It was over a year ago now that I got to sample ILMxLAB’s first episode of Vader Immortal. Growing up I was never the biggest Star Wars fan, instead gravitating towards sports and wrestling. However, when my brother-in-law advised me to check the episode out on his Oculus, I was not disappointed. It may have been a short experience but episode one left me wanting more and so I was delighted when it was announced that all three episodes would be coming to PSVR in one package.
The story in Vader Immortal was actually very enjoyable. Darth Vader is looking for the key to immortality on the volcanic planet known as Mustafar – a location that has appeared in multiple films, including Revenge of the Sith. You discover that you are a decedent of the rulers of Mustafar and Vader initially needs your help in activating an ancient gizmo. Characters are believable throughout and build an intriguing narrative that keeps you engaged. I especially liked my ZOE3 droid sidekick who always had a good one-liner ready to go.
Gameplay is very limited at times. This is a narrative adventure first and foremost. You will spend a lot of your time in the game watching plot points play out in front of you, which is kept enjoyable by the fun story and immersive graphics. That’s not to say there is nothing to do though. You will be tasked with fixing door panels, climbing ladders, firing weapons and even using the force.
The star of the show though is, of course, the lightsaber. The last time I wielded a lightsaber in VR was in the outstanding rhythm action game Beat Saber. That’s a lot for ILMxLAB to live up to, but they pull it off well. While one on one battles with the lightsaber may be rare, you do frequently use it to deflect incoming projectiles. Even just the action of taking it from your hip and activating it is really cool.

Movement is, unfortunately, a bit of a disappointment though. Unlike the Oculus version, you are stuck with movement via teleportation and click-turning. I realise free movement isn’t as easily implemented on the PSVR due to the dated move controllers but games like Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners proved how well it can work by just holding down the move button to begin walking. The setup isn’t a deal-breaker, but more options would have been welcomed. There is also an issue where your hands, which have to be controlled via the PlayStation Move controllers, often sit in unnatural positions.
This is another area where Vader Immortal shines. While technically it is a bit of a visual downgrade from the Oculus Rift version, you would struggle to notice. Characters are well detailed and immerse you in the game straight away. This is backed up by some excellent voice acting throughout all three episodes and a score fitting a short story in the Star Wars universe. Some of the scenery in the distance at times looked really low-res, but this was rarely an issue as there was always something going on in your immediate vicinity that was laden with detail.
The story itself is only just over two hours long and while there are no solid reasons to go back through it again like collectables, I can definitely see myself wanting to experience the story and the world again in the future. It reminds me very much of Batman Arkham VR. A small, immersive experience that lets you experience an iconic world. Unlike Batman though, Vader Immortal does have three separate dojo’s where you can spend hours mastering the force and your lightsaber skills. I must confess the dojo didn’t do much for me, but I can see it finding an audience.

It’s a bad list. There’s no point in sugar-coating it. The game comes as three separate downloads – one for each episode – which means three different lists and no platinum trophy. Story trophies are also basically non-existent as you only pick up a silver for completing the episode and the rest is reserved for that particular episodes dojo. It’s disappointing for sure as there was definitely scope for some inventive trophy ideas.
Vader Immortal is a fun experience. The graphics are great and the story feels at home as a side narrative in the Star Wars universe. The gameplay is more restrictive than I would have liked, but using the lightsaber and the force never stops being cool. If you like the subject matter and don’t mind a short experience I recommend picking this one up.
-Craig ✌️
A review code for this product was kindly provided by the publisher. Reviewed on PS4 Pro.