I have decided to review some WWF shows alongside our WCW Nitro series. The question is, what era of WWF to cover? I wanted some reader feedback, so please vote in the poll below and whichever one is winning at 11pm GMT on March 29th will get the nod.
Which era of WWF should we cover and review week by week?
- Week to week alongside Nitro (52%, 172 Votes)
- Austin era begins (31%, 104 Votes)
- Debut of Monday Night RAW (9%, 31 Votes)
- WCW Invasion (7%, 24 Votes)
Total Voters: 331

More detailed timelines:
Debut of Monday Night RAW
This would start on January 11th, 1993. The very first episode of Monday Night RAW. Bret Hart is WWF champion with Hulk Hogan’s last run for over a decade looming.
Week to week alongside Nitro
This would start on the September 25th, 1995 episode of RAW. This is the night after In Your House 3. Diesel is your WWF champion.
Austin era begins
This would start the night after WrestleMania XIV. Austin has just beaten Shawn Michaels to claim his first WWF title.
WCW Invasion
This would start on March 26th, 2001. The night Vince announced the purchase of WCW, only for Shane, airing live from the middle of a Nitro ring, to crash the party.
If for any reason there is another place in time you would rather we started at then get in touch at puredeadgaming@gmail.com and if there is enough support for an alternative start period I’ll go with that.
-Craig 🧐