Flat Kingdom originally launched on Steam way back in 2016. You know, the pre-pandemic times where walking into a shop with a mask on meant you were going to rob the place, not buy milk. It received “mostly positive” reviews according to the old Steam algorithm, which seems pretty harsh for a £7 2D platformer with good visuals and a unique idea. However, this is a trophy review. So let’s break down what’s required for that sweet, sweet platinum.
First up, duration. In typical Ratalaika style, you don’t need to actually complete the game. I always appreciate that in these Pure Dead Platinum games. They tease you in with trophies, dutifully deliver and then sometimes, just sometimes, leave you wanting more. This actually is the case with Flat Kingdom: Paper’s Cut Edition. Only the first three levels are required to unlock all the trophies or achievements but I found myself continuing on for another half hour just to experience the game’s difficulty spike and I had a great time with a shark boss along the way.
To defeat enemies in this game you need to beat them with the right corresponding shape.
circle > square
triangle > circle
square > triangle
Right as you start the game pause and dive into the settings. Here you can turn on the shape guide, which will put a wee shape next to each enemy to show you which of the three they represent. Making this even easier to remember, the shapes are mapped to the corresponding buttons on the PlayStation controller. Go on, give it a try. If you do it 10x you’ll get your first trophy.

From here simply make your way through the first level where you’ll rack up trophies for beating enemies of each shape and completing a side quest (which can’t be missed). Solid start. The first level will torpedo you 44% of the way to the platinum. In the first real level, you’ll drop down a wee hole with a coin trail right near the beginning. Simply put the nut in the two enemies by running at them in the triangle form and you’ll grab the trophy for using all three forms to fight… I guess because you did it in the tutorial?
Continuing along your merry way will unlock the trophy for reaching your first checkpoint, which I assume has been called “A Long Way To Go” for the LOLz because we’re already over halfway there. Next up is pretty much the only missable trophy. When you come across the enemy highlighted below, you want to jump on it in your square form, then run over it in your triangle form as it is dazed on the deck. This unlocks the trophy for defeating an enemy with two or more shapes.

From here you just continue on your merry way and defeat the first two bosses, both of which are self-explanatory and easy. However, if you do somehow die then fear not. Getting 1 game over also happens to reward you with a trophy. Gaming in 2022 eh? Once defeating the second boss, a spider, simply continue on to the right to receive your first special ability. This will wrap up your platinum or indeed 1000G.
So that’s it, pretty straightforward, isn’t it? Well, what are you waiting for! Flat Kingdom: Paper’s Cut Edition is available now on PlayStation 4 & 5 (Cross-Buy) and Xbox for £7.99. If you like what you’ve read but don’t care about trophies and achievements first of all have a word with yourself, but then consider checking it out on the Switch, where it is also available.
-Craig ✌️