Before downloading this option file, if you haven’t already please consider checking out our review of the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update here.

In previous years I have brought you my own option file for the PS4 version of PES 2021, but this year things are just so busy with the website that there was no way I could have found the time required to make one. I didn’t want to leave you all high and dry though, so I briefly searched the net and found a decent free one for you to use.

At present this only does the English Premier League, La Liga and Serie A. It should also be noted that this is an aesthetic patch only and contains no updated transfers. New option files will be released all the time so if you find one that suits your needs better feel free to wipe the data and import a different one using the same methods as below. Evo Web is usually a good resource for this kind of stuff.

This particular option file is from YouTube user WeGe ID and you can watch his importing video embedded below.

If you prefer a step-by-step guide, I have you covered below.

Step 1: Download the option file from the following link. It will be a compressed RAR file, which you will need to open on a PC or laptop with the free software WinRAR, which can be downloaded here.

Step 2: Open the RAR file and extract the WEPES folder to the root of a USB stick/drive. It will take a couple of minutes to copy over.

Step 3: Plug the USB stick/pen into your PS4 and load up eFootball PES 2021. From the main PES menu go to Settings > Edit.

Step 4: Select Import/Export. If it is your first time in this section you will need to complete a short importing tutorial.

Step 5: Select Import team, press ok and then select your USB stick.

Step 6: You will now see a list of all the teams you can import. Press square to select all and then X on “Go to Detailed Settings”. Tick both options on the next screen and then press X on ok.

Step 7: Wait a few minutes while the files import and you are done!

Step 8: If you would like the real competition logos/names, do the same importing method using ‘import a competition’ instead of ‘import a team’.

I hope this short tutorial helps a few people get a more authentic looking PES 2021. For a more complete option file with all the bells and whistles, you should consider checking out PES Universe, although it is not a free service. Any questions about this article hit me up on Twitter @VizualDze.

-VDZE ✌️