We love hearing from listeners so if you have any feedback/questions on our planned discussion points below or anything off-topic to contribute use the form at the bottom to submit. Alternatively, join our Discord and interact that way.

This week we discuss the news of PlayStation’s new PS+ tiers and all the other latest news. The Quantic Dream news broke after recording so expect our thoughts on that next week.

We’ve also been playing Ghostwire Tokyo, GTA V, Cyberpunk 2077, Flat Kingdom and Nun Massacre.

This week’s movie review is 2007’s Postal and the team have varying takes.

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00:00:00 Intro and what we’ve been playing

00:23:39 News

0:52:35 Shitty platinum

1:02:20 Get in the bin!

01:15:25 Movie review: Postal [2007]

01:28:04 Pick of the week



Brand @puredeadgaming

Craig @puredeadcraig

Jess @xjesix

Andy @AKGarfunkel


For everything else visit https://bio.link/puredeadgaming

Music by David Finlayson