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This week we discuss what can only be described as a metric fuck-tonne of new releases coming from Konami’s once-dormant franchise, Silent Hill. There are also games going gold galore and updates on Resident Evil.

We’ve also been playing a bunch of new games, including the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II campaign, Gotham Knights, A Plague Tale: Requiem and more. This is all alongside our regular segments and a review of Shaun of the Dead.


00:00:00 Intro & What we’ve been playing

00:44:46 News

01:08:05 Get in the bin

01:22:18 The Section Previously Known as Pure Dead Platinum

01:27:1 Movie Review: SShaun of the Dead

01:38:28 Pick of the week


Brand @puredeadgaming

Craig @puredeadcraig

Jess @xjesix

Andy @AKGarfunkel

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Theme Song by David Finlayson

Featuring Are the Bin Men Coming? By RICHIE KAVANAGH